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Artistic interventions

Performing Arts have impact onto society far beyond its natural habitats of theatres, festivals and dance halls. We showcase here a few of our activities and projects in probably uncommon territories. 

The Artist Coach: going beyond intentionality

The best performances leave you puzzled, unsettled, intrigued, sparked. You had a good movie when the movie continues in your head after the film ended. You leave a good theatre piece with the question of 'wait - it's not what I thought in meant, no?' You're  stunned by the flow you experience in a dance, when sheer movements make more sense than any spoken word.

Arts are most powerful, when there is little link between the intention of the artist and the intention of the observer. This is what we capitalize on in our Artist Coach. Coaching is by definition intentful, goal-oriented, with this being its own boundary. Bringing in a performance into a coaching setting which is uninformed about the specific needs of a coachee but is sensitive to the connection between the performer and the coachee as-it-unfolds crosses this line, and we show how far this extends the boundaries of blissful individual development. 


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Urban interventions: don't do anything

Being attentive and receptive rather than pushing messages and opinions has become a scarce commodity in contemporary society. At every corner in social media or in urban space someone yells around a corporate or political message, annoyingly. 


We allow the clown to be, what s/he is best at: receptive, and skilled in working from what is.


We walk into urban spaces literally 'doing nothing', and working with any audience from what emerges from that point. Since, this contra-point alone creates space for attention, curiosity and, finally connection.


It's an exiting discovery journey, each new trime we do this.


Let nature be our teacher: beyond anthropocentricsm

There is something wrong in the way we talk about climate change these days. We talk negatively, punitively and technically aloof. The risk is not only to demotivate any audience to alter behaviour, it is to feed the existing disintegration of 'us versus them'. Clearly, we need different narratives in order to get ourselves and others moving. Different characters and character arcs, different worlds they live in, different motivations, aims, probably different antagonists too. And, which already will change those narratives substantially, we need a different relation between humans and nature, the living and the unliving sphere of humans. In other words: we need to get beyond the enlighted arrogance of mankind over nature. 

The clown is, for us, one of the best ways to explore and find these narratives, by stumbling through all the failures and disasters mankind has already produced. As s/he is the only one left who knows to stay long enough in a mistake to find the treasure in the dirt at the end. More about this here soon.

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