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About Ralf
Listen carefully to the subtle voice of your inner bliss

During his life, Ralf had the chance to peek into many different professions. He started as electrician, delved into social work and more by accident, studied Business Adminstration. He was intrigued by social research and collected extensive work experience as an organizational sociologist in management and organization science while becoming managing director of a joint research and consulting group in Switzerland. He currently works as a Pro­fessor of Organization and Applied Arts at Vlerick Business School in Belgium. There, he delved deeply into different realms of Performing Arts like improvisation theatre and clowning. By combining Applied Arts with organization theory, Ralf inspires and prepares for high-speed and high-quality decision making in times of volatility, while discovering new ways towards joy, relief, resilience and impact.
He is unique in the way he explores the territory beyond the trodden paths of management
science to provide truly inspiring insights ena­bling his clients to excel in today’s VUCA world. Highly successful train­ing and coaching formats employ dif­ferent art forms like improvisation theatre, movement & dance, surreal painting and mask work/clowning to bring lead­ers and organizations safely and playfully in new contact with them­selves to allow for transformational change.

He loves to turn research results into art-based forms like fiction, accessi­ble for non-academic readers. Remarkable is his  Shakespearian drama on organi­zational change (“To change or not to change”).
By means of his theatre work, he found a completely new access to life and to research about life in particular. He is a passion­ate improvisation theatre player himself and loves to give his own clown all the space it needs to bring fun and
laughter to refugee shelters and pedestrian zones, even if it’s
only to keep Ralf’s own ability of being surprised alive. He is very happy of his portfolio of now five shows, of which two are mask performances, one is a red-nose-clown show with all together eight clowns on stage and two dramatic improvisation shows. They brought him to the 2019 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the 2023 and 2022 Brighton Fringe Festival, the 2020 and 2022 Zagreb Clown Festival and received enthusiastic recognition by the Financial Times, the FringeReview and Entertainment Now.  

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